System Requirements for Virtual Sever Agent with Docker

The following requirements are for the Virtual Server Agent with Docker.

Docker Versions

Commvault software is supported with Docker Engine versions 1.10 and 19.03.2.

Supported Docker Host Versions

  • Ubuntu 12.04

  • CentOS 7.2, 7.6


The Virtual Server Agent can be deployed on a physical or virtual machine running Linux.

At least one proxy is needed. Only machines that have the VSA installed can act as VSA proxies to perform backups and restores.

The proxy machine must have access to repositories and backup storage resources.

The following operating systems are supported for VSA proxies:

  • Red Hat 6.3

  • CentOS 7.2

  • CentOS 7.3

  • CentOS 7.7

Port Requirements

When the Docker environment includes a firewall, ensure that CVD port 8400 is configured to accept incoming traffic from Commvault.

Hardware Specifications

For information about hardware requirements for the Virtual Server Agent, see Hardware Specifications for Virtual Server Agent.


Certain third-party software and service releases (together, “Releases”) may not be supported by Commvault. You are solely responsible for ensuring Commvault’s products and services are compatible with any such Releases.
