Troubleshooting (Indexing Version 2)

Backup is pending with error code [14.96] [14.95] "Failed to start createIndex on MediaAgent..."

For more information, see KB Article IND0009.

Backup is pending with error code [32:406]

This error code can have either of these basic descriptions:

  • The index cache for the MediaAgent is disabled.

  • The MediaAgent is not active.

For more information, see KB Article IND0004.

Backup is pending with error code [82:156] "The destination encountered an error while processing the data from the source"

For more information, see KB Article IND0005.

Cannot Upgrade to Indexing V2 Because of Missing Index

For more information, see KB Article IND0006.

Error Code [14:72] "Out of cache space after trying to free...blocks in cache area..."

For more information, see KB Article IND0010.

Index has not been backed up for past 30 days

There are two possible reasons that an index has not been backed up for the past 30 days:

  1. The MediaAgent and/or disk library where the index is expected to be backed up have been offline for more than 30 days, therefore no backups have been run during this time. To correct this issue, ensure that the MediaAgent and/or disk library are online.

  2. The index is not up to date, and one or more of its playback operations are failing. In most cases, this is caused by hardware performance issues. To correct these issues, ensure that the index cache disk meets Hardware Requirements.

Index Server MediaAgent is Taken Offline because Index Cache is Full (Indexing Version 2 only)

For more information, see KB article IND0012.
