Verifying Network Connectivity in Server Mode Using the Network Test Tool in the Command Line

You can run the tool in client mode to check the quality of the network connectivity between two client computers and to measure the bandwidth utilization for data transfer.

When the tool runs in server mode, the client where you run the tool acts as the listening server and waits for incoming connections from the designated target client. When the target client establishes a connection with the listening server, the tool displays the connectivity check as successful.

Before You Begin

If you plan to run the tool on a Macintosh client, run the following command before using the tool:

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Software_Installation_Directory/Base


From the command prompt, go to the Software_Installation_Directory/Base directory, and then run the following command:

CvNetworkTestTool -server -BindIP IP_address -log location -SrvPort number


  • -server runs the tool in server mode. This means that the client where you run the tool is designated as the listening server.

  • -BindIP specifies the local IP address that the tool will use to listen for incoming connections.

  • (Optional) -SrvPort specifies the port number on the client acting as the listening server. This port is used to communicate control information with the target client. If not specified, port number 25000 is used.

  • (Optional) -log specifies the location of the log file. If you want to redirect the output to a separate file, specify the following: -log Log_Location > OutputFile_Location.


  • On Windows:

    CvNetworkTestTool -server -BindIP -SrvPort 25001 -log C:\server.log
  • On UNIX, Linux, or Macintosh:

    ./CvNetworkTestTool -server -BindIP -SrvPort 25001 -log logs/server.log


  • During the connectivity check, you can stop the data transmission by pressing the Esc key.

  • If you have to pass -SrvClientName on the client end to test for tunnel speed using a firewall connection, pass -BindIP as


The command indicates whether the data was successfully transferred between the listening server and target client, or vice-versa.
