Verifying the Status of Commvault Services Using the Network Test Tool in the Command Line

You can use the tool to check whether Commvault services are running on a client.

Before You Begin

Make sure that the client where you run the tool and the target client that you want to check are registered with the same CommServe computer.

If you plan to run the tool on a Macintosh client, run the following command before using the tool:

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Software_Installation_Directory/Base


From the command prompt, go to the Software_Installation_Directory/Base directory, and then run the following command:

CvNetworkTestTool -servicecheck -HostName [hostname | IPAddr] [-CS | -MA | -CC] -ClientName name -RemoteCVD CVDport -RemoteClMgrS ClMgrSport -log location


  • -servicecheck verifies whether Commvault services are running on the target client.

  • -HostName specifies the host name or IP address of the target client.

  • (Optional) -ClientName specifies the name of the target client.

  • (Optional) -CS| -MA | -CC specifies the type of Commvault services that you want to verify: CommServe, MediaAgent, and client computer. For example, if you want to retrieve the status of CommServe services, specify -CS. If none of the options are specified, the tool retrieves the status for all services.

  • (Optional) -RemoteCVD specifies the CVD port number in the target client. If not specified, port 8400 is used by default.

  • (Optional) -RemoteClMgrS specifies the ClMgrS port number in the target client. By default, port 8402 is used on Windows clients, and dynamic port numbers are used on UNIX clients.

  • (Optional) -log specifies the location of the log file. If you want to redirect the output to a separate file, specify the following: -log Log_Location > OutputFile_Location.


  • On Windows

    CvNetworkTestTool -servicecheck -HostName -CS -MA -log C:\service.log
  • On UNIX, Linux, or Macintosh:

    ./CvNetworkTestTool -servicecheck -HostName -CS -MA -log logs/service.log

Tip: During the connectivity check, you can stop the data transmission by pressing the Esc key.


The command returns the status of the Commvault services running on the target client.
