Viewing the Check Readiness for File System Clients, Database Clients, and Pseudo Clients


You can use this feature to check the connections between the CommCell environment and clients or MediaAgents.

About This Task

Checks for network connectivity are performed on the default port 8400. To view the ports used for other services, such as backup and restore jobs, see TCP Ports Used for Services.


You can check the readiness of a file system or database client or a MediaAgent.


  1. In the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers, and then right click a client.

  2. Point to All Tasks, and then click Check Readiness.

    The Client Connectivity dialog box appears.

  3. To run a network check between the client, CommCell, and MediaAgents, select Network.

  4. To run a check on the resources and capacity of the client, select Resource/Capacity.

  5. To run a check on disabled entities, select Include disabled entities.

  6. To run a check on the database applications on the client, select the Application Check check box.

  7. Optional: To see details for the selected client, click Show Details.

    The Information dialog box appears.


  1. In the CommCell Browser, expand Storage Resources > MediaAgents, and then right-click a MediaAgent.

  2. Point to All Tasks, and then click Check Readiness.

    The MediaAgent Connectivity dialog box appears.

  3. Optional: To see detailed information for the MediaAgent, click Show Details.

    The Information dialog box appears.

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