Virtual Server Instance Properties (General)

Use this dialog to modify properties for an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account.

Client Name: Displays the name of the virtualization client. You cannot change this value.

iDataAgent: Displays the agent type (Virtual Server). You cannot change this value.

Instance Name: Displays the instance name (by default, Amazon). You can change the name to be more descriptive.

Vendor Type: Displays the hypervisor type (Amazon). You cannot change this value.

Regions: To restrict communication to specific regions, enter the regions as comma-separated values.

By default, the VSA proxy tries to communicate with all regions.

Authentication: Select one of the following options:

  • IAM Role: In the AWS Console, create an IAM role and attach the IAM role to the instance that acts as a VSA proxy. Then assign the proxy instance to the client you create in this procedure.


    If IAM Role authentication is selected for the Amazon client, but a proxy that is not associated with the IAM role is used for a backup or restore, the operation fails.

    The IAM role must have appropriate permissions, which can be any of the following:

  • Access and Secret Key: Obtain the key pair (Access Key and Secret Key) from the Amazon EC2 Web site under Security Credentials.

    • Access Key: Displays the Access Key ID that is associated with your Amazon EC2 account. You can change this value to identify a new access key.

    • Secret Key: If you changed the Access Key ID, enter the Secret Access Key that is associated with the new Access Key ID.

      For instructions on obtaining Amazon access keys, see Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Documentation.

Admin Account: If you already configured a virtualization client for an Admin account, you can select this option and then select the Admin account from the Admin Instance list.

This option applies only in environments where data protection resources are provided by a separate Admin account. If another Amazon virtualization client is not already configured, this field does not appear.

Description: Enter a description for the virtual server instance.
