Virtual Server Instance Properties (General)

Use this dialog to modify properties for the Azure subscription.

Client Name

Displays the name of the virtualization client. You cannot change this value.


Displays the agent type (Virtual Server). You cannot change this value.

Instance Name

Displays the instance name (Azure or Azure Resource Manager). You can change the name to be more descriptive.

Vendor Type

Displays the hypervisor type (Microsoft Azure or Microsoft Azure Resource Manager). You cannot change this value.

Microsoft Azure (Classic)

  • Subscription ID

    Displays the subscription ID for your Azure Classic account. You can change this value to identify a new Azure Classic subscription ID.

  • Thumbprint

    If you change the subscription ID for your Azure Classic account, enter the thumbprint for the new Azure management certificate.

    This value is secure and is not shown when you redisplay the client or instance properties.

    Note: Although the thumbprint provided in the certificate properties might be in mixed case, you must enter it in this dialog box using UPPERCASE LETTERS for the alphabetic characters.

Microsoft Azure Resource Manager

  • Subscription ID

    Displays the subscription ID for your Azure Classic account. You can change this value to identify a new Azure Classic subscription ID.

  • Tenant ID

    Displays the tenant ID associated with the virtualization client. You can change the tenant by entering a new tenant ID.

  • Application ID

    Displays the application ID associated with the tenant. You can enter a new application ID for the tenant you specified.

  • Application Password

    Enter the password for the application if you changed the application.


    After you enter the password, when you view this field later, the field might appear blank. This is a known issue.

  • Application Confirm Password

    Re-enter the password for the application.


Enter a description for the virtual server instance.
