Adding an Instance for Microsoft Azure Database for MariaDB

To manage a database, you can either use an existing instance or add a new instance.

If SSL and TLS are enabled on the cloud, do not specify the SSL CA file value while adding an instance to the cloud.

Before You Begin

Configure the permissions to access the Azure resources. Download the CvMySQLRole.json file and use it to apply the permissions.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Databases.

    The Instances page appears.

  2. Click Add instance, and then select Cloud database service.

    The Add Cloud DB instance dialog box appears.

  3. From the Select vendor list, select a vendor where you want to create an instance.

  4. From the Database service list, select MariaDB.

  5. From the Cloud account list, select a hypervisor.

  6. From the Backup plan list, select a server plan.

  7. From the Instance name list, select an instance.

  8. In the Database user box, type the user name to access the Azure Database for MariaDB application.

  9. In the Password box, type the password to access the Azure Database for MariaDB application.

  10. Click Add.


For a Windows client computer, if the instance creation with SSL certificate fails, you can select only the Use SSL options check box, and leave the SSL CA file box blank. For more information, go to "Connecting to server using the MySQL CLI over SSL" on the Microsoft documentation website.


  • The new instance contains a default database group. The default database group includes all the data in the Microsoft Azure Database for MariaDB database. You cannot delete the default database group.
