Adding a MySQL Database Server


You can add a new database server so that you can protect MySQL databases.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Databases.

    The Instances page appears.

  2. Click Add server.

    The Add server page appears.

  3. Select the database type.

    The Add database server dialog box appears.

  4. In the Database server name box, enter the server name.

  5. In the Username and Password boxes, enter the credentials to connect to the server.

    For a Windows server, enter the username as domain_name\username.

  6. From the Plan list, select the server plan to use for the database server.

    The server plan determines how often the software performs backup operations.

  7. To grant write access to a UNIX group, such as the dba group, in the UNIX group box, enter the name of the group to give permissions to.

  8. To specify the location where the Commvault software is installed, in the Installation location box, enter the full path to the directory.

    If you do not enter a path, the software is installed at the location /opt/Commvault for UNIX clients, and at the location C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore for Windows clients.

  9. Click Save.


  • Installs the appropriate Commvault software packages on the server.

  • Discovers the database instances, and adds them to the Commvault software.

  • Creates the appropriate subclients for the instance.