Assigning a Role to a User or a User Group for Distributed Storage

You can control the operations that users can perform on Distributed Storage by assigning a role that has storage management permissions to a user or a user group.

  • Create a role with the necessary permissions.

    For example, to give a user the ability to open the user interface associated with Distributed Storage from the Command Center, add the user to a Distributed Storage with a role that has the Manage Distributed Storage permission.

    The following predefined permissions are related to Distributed Storage:

    • Register Distributed Storage

    • Manage Distributed Storage

    • Use Distributed Storage

  • Create a user that you plan to associate with the specific role and the Distributed Storage.

  • Alternatively, if you plan to associate multiple users with the same set of roles to the specific storage, create a user group.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Storage > Distributed Storage.

    The Distributed Storage page appears.

  2. Click the cluster to assign roles for.

    The cluster page appears.

  3. In the Security section, click Edit.

    The Security dialog box appears.

  4. In the Enter user(s), user group(s) box, enter the user or the user group to assign a role to, and then click Add.

  5. From the Select a role box list, select a role that was created with the necessary storage management permissions.

  6. Click Save.

For information about storage management permissions, see Storage Management Permissions.
