Complete the Big Data Guided Setup for MongoDB


The big data guided setup guides you through creating a server backup plan and adding the MongoDB cluster.

Go to the Big Data Guided Setup

  1. From the navigation pane, go to Guided setup.

    The Welcome page appears.

  2. On the Protect tab, at the bottom of the page, click More.

  3. Click the Big data apps tile.

    The Big data app setup page appears.

    If you already completed the guided setup, the Apps page appears.

Create a Server Backup Plan That You Can Use for MongoDB

If you already have a server backup plan that you can use, you can skip this step.

  1. On the Create server backup plan page, click Create a new plan, and then specify the settings for a server backup plan that you can use for the MongoDB cluster.



Plan name

  1. Enter a name for the server plan.

    Click Next.

Backup destinations

  1. Click Add.

    The Add backup destination dialog box appears.

  2. In Name, enter a name for the backup destination.

  3. From the Storage list, select the storage to use for the backups.

    If you selected storage that uses Distributed Storages, the Optimize for instant clone toggle key appears.

    By default, this setting is turned on to allow the associated Distributed Storage to optimize backups for clones, using Copy Data Management. To turn off the setting, move the Optimize for instant clone toggle key to the left.

    The setting does not apply to Hyperscale solutions that use Distributed Storage.

  4. For Retention period, enter the amount of time to retain the backups.

  5. To specify additional backups, such as weekly full backups, move the Extended retention rules toggle key to the right, and then add rules.

  6. Click Save.


  1. For Backup, specify how often and when to run incremental backups.

  2. To run full backups, move the Add full backup toggle key to the right, and then specify how often and when to run full backups.

  3. For Backup window, specify when you want incremental backups to run.

  4. For Full backup window, specify when you want full backups to run.

Snapshot options

  1. Specify how to retain snapshots:

    • To specify a number of jobs to retain on a snapshot copy, select Number of snap recovery points, and then enter the number of jobs to retain.

    • To specify a retention period, select Retention period, and then enter the amount of time to retain the jobs.

  2. If you don't want to create backup copies, move the Enable backup copy toggle key to the left to turn it off.

  3. For Backup copy frequency, enter how often to run backup copy jobs.

Database options

  1. For Log backup RPO, enter how often to run log backups.

  2. To use the disk cache of the logs to the MediaAgent for backups, do the following:

    1. Move the Use disk cache for log backups toggle key to the right.

    2. For Commit every, enter how often to commit the logs to the CommServe computer.

      Disk caching of database logs applies to the following agents: Informix, Microsoft SQL Server on Windows, Oracle, Oracle RAC, and SAP HANA.

Override restrictions

  • Leave the Allow plan to be overridden check box cleared.

Add the MongoDB Cluster

  1. On the Add a big data app page, from the Application type list, select MongoDB.

    If no MongoDB master node is found, a message appears, with a link that you can use to download and install the Commvault software on the master node so that you can select it from the Master node list.

  2. In the Cluster name box, enter a name for the cluster.

  3. From the Master node list, select the master node.

  4. In the Binary path box, enter the path to the folder that contains the mongod or mongos executable file.

  5. In the OS user name box, enter the OS user name that you want to use to run the MongoDB servers.

    Commvault software uses the OS user name to start the MongoDB servers after the restore operation.


    The OS user must have the permission to start the server and have ownership of the files in dbPath.

  6. In Port number box, enter the mongod or mongos port number.

  7. To back up MongoDB clusters in both Windows and Linux environments, under Database authentication, you can enter the credentials of an account to authenticate with.


    Log backups with authentication are not supported on Windows.

    The account must have one of the following on the admin database:

    • The root role. This is a superuser role.

    • The backup, restore, clusterMonitor, and hostManager roles. If you do not want to assign a superuser role to the database user, use these roles.

  8. From Plan, select the server backup plan to use for the cluster.

  9. Click Save.