Configuration for Oracle RAC


Commvault simplifies Oracle RAC database configuration by automatically discovering Oracle RAC databases and their associated cluster nodes, and then uses the information to create and configure the corresponding RAC client and instances, with their related cluster nodes and subclients.

Automatic instance discovery creates CommCell instances for Oracle RAC databases under the following conditions:

  • Discovery is initiated every 24 hours.

  • When the Communications Service (GxCVD) is restarted (for example after a computer reboot).

  • Instances that are defined in the Oracle oratab file, which is created by Oracle at installation and acts as a database registry file. On Solaris systems, this file is normally located in the /var/opt/oracle directory and on Linux/UNIX systems, it is located in the /etc directory.

  • Oracle RAC instances that are in the MOUNT or OPEN state. The software does not discover database instances that are shut down.

When a new Oracle RAC client is created as a result of automatic discovery, its name is taken from the Oracle cluster name. If a new client is added to an Oracle RAC cluster, the Commvault software must be installed and running on the client for auto discovery to work for the new client.

  • The Oracle connect string for a discovered RAC instance is set to '/' by default. To change the Oracle connect string for all the clients associated with an instance, see Modifying the Oracle RAC Database Instance Details.

  • In an Oracle One Node configuration, auto discovery will only add the active node to the configuration; the passive node is not discovered. To add the passive node manually, see Adding Oracle RAC Nodes.


The instances page lists the instances.

You can perform the following operations on the instances page:

Instance Details

The instance details page contains the following information:

  • The instance information, for example, the Oracle home directory

  • The data backup and log backup storage policies

  • The instance status

  • The subclients that are configured for the instance

You can perform the following operations on the instance details page:

  • Modify the instance.

  • Add a subclient.

  • Perform a backup operation.

  • Clone the database.

  • View the backup history. On the upper-right corner of the page, click the menu icon Admin Console menu icon (3 vertical dots), and then click Backup history.

  • View the restore history. On the upper-right corner of the page, click the menu icon Admin Console menu icon (3 vertical dots), and then click Restore History.

  • Delete the instance. On the upper-right corner of the page, click the menu icon Admin Console menu icon (3 vertical dots), and then click Delete.


The subclient details page displays the following information:

  • The latest backup information

  • The date and time of the next backup

  • The enabled alerts

The following operations are available on the subclient details page:

  • Perform a backup operation.

  • Delete a subclient. In the upper right of the page, click Delete.


    You cannot delete the default subclient.

  • Modify the security settings.

    For more information, see Security.

  • View the subclient backup job history. For information on the job history, see Jobs.

    • To view the backup history, select the subclient, and then click Backup History.