Database Options


Use this section to provide database information for your Salesforce restore operation.

Database type

The type of database, for example, SQLSERVER or POSTGRESQL.

Database host

The client that hosts the database.

Database name

The name of the database.

Database port

The port number used to connect to the database.

User name and password

The credentials for a user who has owner permissions for the database.

Restore only latest version

This check box applies when multiple versions of a record are backed up:

  • Select this check box to restore only the latest version of a record to the database.

  • Clear this check box to restore all versions of a record and the CV_ModStamp and SF_DeletedDate columns to the database. Restoring all versions of a record is useful in the following scenarios:

    • The database you configured at the backup set level is corrupt.

    • You need to perform a record-level restore from a previous backup cycle. Restore the database, and then configure the instance and backup set to use the restored database.