Deleting Mail Messages in Exchange Mailbox


Applies to: User Mailbox

The delete feature allows end users to delete the archived emails/folders from the Web Console UI. End users must have Delete Data capability to be able to delete the data in Web Console.The delete operation only masks the deleted data from the Web Console UI and the end user cannot view the deleted data unless the Show Deleted items option is enabled in the Web Console. However the admin user will be able to view and restore the emails\folders deleted by the end user in the Command Center by enabling the include deleted items option. The source data remains in the mailbox on the Exchange server and in the Index server. Therefore, you must first delete the data from the source so that it is not backed up again. You must also delete the stubs from the source before running the delete operation so that they are not backed up again.


The end user cannot delete items from a Delegating.

Before You Begin

  • The end user must have the Delete Data capability on the subclient where the Exchange Mailbox is configured in the CommCell Console.

  • The archive operations should have run on the User Mailbox.


  1. Log on to the Web Console.

  2. Click My Data.

  3. In the navigation pane, click Mail.

  4. Click the user whose messages you want to delete.

    The mailbox page appears.

  5. In the left pane, select the folder that contains the messages that you want to delete.

    The messages that were backed up for the selected folder appear in the right pane.

  6. Choose the appropriate method for deleting messages or folders.

    • To delete messages, select one or several messages, and then click Deleting Messages in Exchange Mailbox End-User Delete Web Console (1).

    • To delete a folder, right-click the folder name and then select Delete.

    • To delete messages in bulk, you can do the following:

      1. Type a keyword in the Search box and click Search. All of the messages that contain a keyword match in any field appear in the results.To delete all the messages in a specific folder, you can select the folder from the search pane.

      2. Click the Sort by check box, and then click Delete all matching items.

    A message prompts you to confirm the deletion.

  7. Click Yes.


The end user delete operation does not delete the messages or the folder permanently. End users cannot see deleted items in the Web Console ,but administrators can see deleted items in the Command Center and the CommCell Console.