Applies to: User Mailbox, Journal Mailbox, ContentStore Mailbox
You can export mailbox items, folders, or messages to an export set, change the format of the items to fit your needs, and download the exported PST or CAB file. Exporting automatically creates an export set.
The following file formats are supported when you export email messages:
PST (Portable Storage Table)
CAB (cabinet file)
By default, the maximum amount of data that you can export to PST or CAB is 25 GB. The size limitation applies to the total size of emails exported from the Office 365 app and does not apply to exports from Compliance Search or Case Manager.
When the size of the data to export exceeds 25 GB, the export job does not start and an error message appears. You can use the restore option or split the data into smaller export jobs.
When multiple mailboxes are exported to a PST file, all the emails are exported from all the mailboxes into a single PST file. You can export emails from multiple mailboxes into separate PST files.
Before You Begin
The user must have Browse, Download, In place restore, and Out of place restore permissions on the subclient where the Exchange mailbox is configured in the CommCell Console.
Archive operations must have run on the mailbox.
You must install Microsoft Outlook 64-bit on the Web Server.
You must install Microsoft Office 2013 Service Pack 1. For more information, see Description of Microsoft Office 2013 Service Pack 1 (SP1).
From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Applications > Office 365.
The Office 365 apps page appears.
In the App name column, click the app that contains the item that you want to restore.
The app page appears.
On the Mailboxes tab, in the row for the mailbox that contains the item that you want to restore, click Restore, and then click Restore messages.
The mailbox contents appear.
You can export a folder or messages:
To include deleted items in the export file, click the action
button, and then select Include deleted items.
To export a folder or a sub-folder, do the following:
In the left pane, expand the mailbox, and then click the folder or the sub-folder.
Click Export, and then select the file format.
To export messages, do the following:
Either expand folders to navigate to the messages, or in the Search box, enter search terms in the search filter list.
For example, enter inbox for the Folder filter.
Select the check boxes for the messages.
Click Export, and then select the file format.
The Export to dialog box appears.
In the Name box, type a name for the export set.
If messages are selected, next to Selection Range, select the email messages to include in the export set:
To select the selected email messages, click Selected.
To select all the emails in the search results, select All.
Click Submit.
A job runs to create the export set.
In the upper-right corner of the page, click View exports.
The View exports dialog box appears. The export sets that are ready to be downloaded and the export sets that are being created are listed.
To download the export set, select the check box for the export set, click the action
button, and then click Download.
When mailboxes are exported, the folder hierarchy is maintained in the export set.
To delete an export set, select the check box for the export set, click the action
button, and then click Delete.
The message Selected exports deleted successfully confirms the deletion.
You must import the PST file into Outlook to view the contents of Contacts, Calendars, and Notes inside Outlook. These items are not visible if you just open the PST file from Outlook.