Getting Started With Amazon DynamoDB Backups

Getting started with backing up and restoring Amazon DynamoDB databases includes completing the database application setup wizard, configuring a proxy client, creating a cloud database instance, and then performing a backup and a restore operation.

Step 1: Complete the Databases Setup Wizard

Configure the database application by completing the Databases Setup Wizard.

The setup wizard allows you to add a server plan. The plan defines how often the software backs up the database and the log files, and where it stores the backups. You can add the default server plan that was created during the core setup or create a new plan.


To create a new plan, you need the plan creator role assigned to your user account.

Step 2: Configure an Access Node

Add a Windows or Linux file server with the Virtual Server package installed. For more information, see Adding an Additional Server.

You can use one of the following platforms for the access node:

  • Windows Server 2019

  • Windows Server 2016

  • Windows Server 2012

  • Linux Centos 7

  • RHEL 7

  • Amazon Linux 2

Step 3: Create a Cloud Database Instance for Amazon DynamoDB

Create a new cloud database instance for Amazon DynamoDB using a new cloud account.

For more information, see Creating a Cloud Database Instance for Amazon DynamoDB.

Step 4: Perform Your First Backup and Restore

The first full backup is automatically scheduled based on the assigned plan.

After the backup operation is complete, perform a restore.
