Installing VTL on the Linux Access Node

To use an IBM i VTL plan for backups, install VTL on the Linux access node.

Before You Begin

Prior to installing VTL for the IBM i File System Agent on the Linux access node, you must configure the following components:

  • Index Server Cloud for Hybrid File Store

  • Storage Policy

    • Create a storage policy for your ObjectStore. This storage policy will be the main storage for your IBM i data. You can create an additional copy of this data for redundancy.
  • MediaAgent with NFS Index capability


  1. On the Linux access node, change the directory to the Commvault Base folder:

    [root@glass /root]# cd /opt/Commvault/Base

  2. Start the installation script with the following command:

    [root@glass Base]# ./cvibmivtl_setup


    • If there is no Internet access, you must download the cv_vtl.tgz package and the NFS-Ganesha package from the Download Center.
      For instructions about installing the NFS-Ganesha package, see Getting Started with Hybrid File Store.
      Use the option -f cv_vtl.tgz to install the VTL binaries.

    • Commvault services are stopped during the installation. Verify that there are no running jobs that use this server.

    This command will verify that Ganesha and all required RPM packages are installed. If any of the RPM packages are missing, this command will attempt to install them. In case the command failed to install any of the missing dependencies, the installation may abort and you will be required to install those missing dependencies or provide a location where those RPM files are located.

    The installation requires a kernel development package be present on the system, and the version of the running kernel and kernel development package must be the same. The required package can be found on the OS installation DVD or on the Internet.

    If you have the DVD with RPM for your kernel, add -r option with a path to the RPM location. For example:

    [root@glass Base]# mount -o ro /dev/cdrom /media

    [root@glass Base]# ./cvibmivtl_setup -r /media/Packages

    One or more options [-r path] can be used as a search path for additional RPMs when required (for example, a DVD folder with RPM modules). This option also can be used when there is no direct connection to the Internet, and required packages are downloaded manually.

    The installation script will collect configuration information. The following information will be collected from the user:

    • Commvault login name and password (this user must be capable to create ObjectStore client)

    • Number of tape drives you want to have in the VTL

    • Number of tape slots in the VTL

    • Size of the tapes. The size must be 16 GB or larger per tape.

    • The number of tapes to add. The maximum number of tapes is limited by a number of slots.

    • The 2 symbol barcode prefix, which consists of any combination of characters 0-9 and A-Z.

    • The client name for the Hybrid File Store. This is the client against which the actual data from all tapes will be stored.

    • The storage policy name for Hybrid File Store client. Storage policy where data from all tapes will be stored.

    • The MediaAgent name where Index Server is configured with NFS Index capabilities.

    • Local path for the Disk Library.

    Once all information is collected, the command will download, compile and install the SCST driver on the acess node, configure and install the VTL package, create the Hybrid File Store client, and then add the VTL Library to storage resources.

    • A tape storage with the following naming format is created:


    • An IBM i VTL plan with the following naming format is created:


  3. If FC network zoning is not configured, configure FC network zoning to allow access to the VTL Server FC Target from IBM i servers.


The VTL tape storage appears in the Tape page. (From the navigation pane, go to Storage >Tape.)
