You can restore Salesforce data to a folder that resides on one of your servers.
Before You Begin
Determine the child objects to include in the restore.
From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Applications > Salesforce.
The Salesforce page appears.
For the organization that contains the data that you want to restore, click the action button
, and then clickRestore.
The Select restore type page appears.
Select Object level restore.
The Backup content page appears.
Optional: To select a backup, from the Showing latest backup list, select one of the following options:
To show the latest backup, select Show Latest Backup.
To show a backup at a specific time, select Show backup as a of a specific date, and then type the date and time.
To show backups for a date range, select Show backup for a date range, and then specify the dates.
Select the data that you want to restore:
To restore files, select the check box next to Files.
To restore objects, select the check box next to Objects.
To restore both files and objects, select both check boxes.
Click Restore.
The Restore options dialog box appears.
Next to Restore target, select File system.
Under Destination details, select the destination:
From the Destination server list, select which server to restore the data to.
In the Destination path box, enter a path to restore the data to.
Under Options, set the restore options:
To include parent objects in the restore, from the Parent objects to restore list, select All parents.
Including parent objects has the following effects:
Data integrity is maintained. If parent objects are included and some parents do not exist or some parents have incorrect values, the restore still completes.
When objects such as User objects are updated, end users receive notifications, which might not be desirable.
To include child objects in the restore, from the Child objects to restore list, select the child objects.
- To exclude some child objects, select the Exclude children check box, and then in the Children to exclude box, select the child objects that you want to exclude.
Click Submit.
Related Topics
To troubleshoot errors that occur during a restore operation, see Troubleshooting Salesforce Restore Operations.