Restoring Salesforce Metadata to a File System


You can restore the Salesforce metadata to a folder that resides on one of your servers. Data is restored from media. When data is restored from media, the data is restored to a staging location, and then the data is upload to Salesforce.

Metadata supported by the Salesforce API is supported for restore operations.

If you need to modify or customize the metadata that you backed up, perform the following operations:

  1. Restore the metadata to a file system.

  2. Modify the corresponding xml files.

  3. Use the Migration Tool tool to deploy the metadata to the Salesforce organization. For more information, go to the Salesforce help website, Migration Tool.

Before You Begin

Configure backups to include metadata. For more information, see Backing Up Salesforce Metadata.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Applications > Salesforce.

  2. The Salesforce page appears.

  3. For the organization that contains the data that you want to restore, click the action button action_button, and then clickRestore.

    The Select restore type page appears.

  4. Select Metadata restore.

    The Backup content page appears.

    Here you can download up to 1GB of metadata and use tools like Workbench to deploy. Select one or more metadata components, and then click Download.

  5. Optional: Select a backup. From the Showing latest backup list, select the backup:

    • To show the latest backup, select Show Latest Backup.

    • To show a backup at a specific time, select Show backup as a of a specific date, and then type the date and time.

    • To show backups for a date range, select Show backup for a date range, and then specify the dates.

  6. Click the Metadata and unpackaged check boxes, and then select the check box next to each metadata object that you want to restore.

    Note: For each metadata file that you want to restore, check if the metadata file (-meta.xml) exists, and then select it. For example, suppose that you have AccountBeforeUpdate.cls file that is accompanied by the AccountBeforeUpdate.cls-meta.xml file and you want to restore metadata. In this case, you will need to select both files in the restore operation.

  7. Click Restore.

    The Restore options dialog box appears.

  8. Next to Restore target, select File system.

  9. Under Destination details, select the destination:

    1. From the Destination server list, select which server to restore the data to.

    2. In the Destination path box, enter a path to restore the data to.

  10. Click Submit.