Searching for Files Backed Up Using Backup Sets


When you view backed up data for your computer using a backup set, you can search for files from the most recent indexed backup.

To search for files across all servers from the global search bar, see Performing a Global Search for Files.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Manage > Servers.

    The Servers page appears.

  2. Optional: To search for client computers that have the search string in their names, click in the search box in the upper-right corner of the page.

  3. Click a client computer for which the backup set has been backed up.

    The client computer page appears.

  4. In the Agents area, click File System.

    The File System page appears.

  5. To select options that modify the search, in the upper-right corner of the page, click in the search box:

    • Filename: Search for files that include the search string in the file name.

      You can use wildcards in the search string. For more information about using wildcard characters, see Supported Wildcards for Windows File System.

    • Contains: Search for files that contain the search string.

      You can use wildcards in the search string. For more information about using wildcard characters, see Supported Wildcards for Windows File System.

    • Backup Set: To find files within a specific backup set, select a backup set.

    • Include Folders: To include folders in the results, select this option.

  6. Click Search.

  7. To restore an item in the search results, select the item, and then click Restore to restore files in-place or to another computer.