Configuring IBM i File System Agent 1-Touch Disaster Recovery Subclients

Configure an IBM i File System Agent Disaster Recovery subclient and the run backups on it so that you are prepared for a Disaster Recovery. For information about the options, see IBM i File System Agent Subclient Properties (DR Configuration).


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > Proxy Client File System > backup_set**.

  2. Right-click the backup_set, point to All Tasks, and then click New DR Subclient.

    The Subclient Properties dialog box appears.

  3. On the General tab, in the Subclient Name box, type a unique subclient name.

  4. On the IBM i DR Configuration tab, do the following:

    1. In the Temporary directory for virtual DVD images box, type the full path that is located on the IFS file system where the software can create the DVD catalog image.

    2. Optional: In the DVD Image file format box, type the format of the DVD image name.

    3. In the Abort DR backup if running than (minutes) box, type the time in minutes that the DR backup job can run. This is the maximum time that the IBM i client machine can be kept in a restricted state.


      When this time period expires, the software aborts the job and starts all of the subsystems. When you set this value, add the following times together to get the proper value:

      • The maximum time that the IBM I client can be kept in a restricted state

      • If specified, the maximum time that a restricted state program takes

    4. To notify users that the system will be suspended, select the Notify Users check box, and in the Delay mins before restricted mode box, select the number of minutes. Then, in the Notification message box type the message that the software sends to users.


      Use the ## parameter to indicate the time in minutes. for example, "The system will shut down in ## minutes".

    5. Optional: In the Command to bring the system into restricted state box, typethe command that the software uses to set the IBMi LPAR to a restricted state.

    6. Optional: In the Program to execute while the system is in restricted state box, type the full path to the program the software runs after the DVD catalog images are created and before the system returns from the suspended state.


      If you selected the option to have the IPL performed after, and you specify this parameter, then the restricted state program runs after the backup completes and before the software performs the IPL.

    7. Optional: In the Run custom startup program box, type the full path to the program that starts the subsystems.


      Leave this field blank to use the start-up program that is specified in the IBM i client’s system value QSTRUPPGM to start the subsystems and services. If you specify any custom startup program, then the subsystems and services start according to the specified program. If you selected the option to perform the IPL after the backup, then the system value QSTRUPPGM is updated with the custom start-up program.

  5. On the Storage Device tab, in the Storage Policy list, click a storage policy name to associate with the subclient.

  6. Click OK to close the Subclient Properties dialog box.
