Create an Azure Certificate for SharePoint Online


Create an Azure certificate and export it so that you can upload it to the Azure portal and to the SharePoint Online tenant.

Create and Upload the Azure Certificate to the Azure Portal

  1. To get the Azure public certificate (.cer file) for your tenant, see Create and export your public certificate in the Microsoft documentation for instructions.

    After creating an exporting your certificate, log on to the Azure portal.

  2. In the navigation pane, click Certificates & secrets.

    The Certificates & secrets page appears.

  3. Click the Certificates tab and then click Upload certificate.

    The Upload Certificate screen appears.

  4. Click Select a file, select the certificate you generated using the Microsoft PowerShell commands, and then click Open.

  5. Enter a description, and then click Add.

    The certificate will be added to the Azure portal.

Export the Azure Certificate with an Assigned Private Key

To run your application from the Command Center, you will need to assign the Azure certificate with a private key.

  1. To export the certificate with a private key (.pfx file), see Export your public certificate with its private key in the Microsoft documentation for instructions.

  2. Copy and paste the assigned certificate password in a document that you can access later. You will need to enter this value in the Command Center.

    Save the .pfx file in a secure location. You will need to upload the file in the Command Center when you complete the custom configuration of the app.