Creating an Instant Clone for SAP HANA

You can create a clone from an IntelliSnap backup or a block-level full backup.

Before You Begin

  • The version of database server must be the same on both the source client and the destination client.

  • The database user must have the same user ID on both the source database server and the destination database server.

  • The Commvault package and the MediaAgent must be installed on the destination client.

  • On the destination client, create a working directory to use as the mount path for the database clone files. This directory must be writable by the database user.

  • The working directory must have enough space for the cloned server.

  • The file permissions for the clone working directory must be set to 777.

  • Do not use root directory as a clone working directory.

  • Free space required for staging logs depends on the total application size of the relevant log backups. For example, if there are five transaction log backups in the backup cycle selected to restore, add up the application size for all five log backups to find the free space needed.

  • If you are using a SAP Secure User Store key for authentication in source HANA instance, verify that both the source HANA machine and the destination HANA machine has the hdbuserstore key created with the same user and password of the user that has necessary permissions.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Databases.

    The database overview page appears.

  2. Go to the Instant clones tab.

    The Instant clones page appears.

  3. Click Instant clone button on the upper-right corner of the page.

    Select database type dialog box appears.

  4. Select SAP HANA and click NEXT.

    The Add SAP HANA instant clone dialog box appears.

  5. Under the Source details section, do the following:

    1. From the Source server list, select the client that contains the instance that you want to clone.

    2. From the Source Instance list, select the source instance that you want to clone.

    3. From the Source Database list, select the database to clone the data from.

  6. Under the Destination details section, do the following:

    1. From the Destination server list, select the client when you want to clone the instance.

    2. From the Instance name list, select the instance that you want to clone.

    3. From the Recover to type list, select following options:

      • Select the clone by specifying the most recent state, select Most recent state.

      • To clone the database to a point-in-time, select Point in time, and then select the date and time.

      • To clone by specifying the backup prefix, select Using backup prefix, and then enter a prefix to identify the backup.

      • To clone by specifying the internal backup job ID, select Using internal backup id, and then enter the internal backup job ID.

    4. To restore SAP HANA catalog to a point in time, move the Restore catalog from time toggle key to the right, and then do the following:

      • To clone to a point in time, select Point in time, and then enter the date and time.

      • To clone relative to the system date, select Relative to sysdate, and then enter the number of days or hours relative to the system date.

  7. Under the Clone options section, do the following:

    1. specify the time period to retain the clone for.

      After the time period expires, the clone server is dismounted and the mount point is deleted. By default, the clone is retained for 24 hours.

    2. To overwrite an existing clone instance that uses the same port number as the clone that you want to create, select the Overwrite if clone exists check box.

    3. To clone from a storage policy copy if backup gets corrupted, from the Clone from copy list, select the copy that you want to use.

  8. Under the Advanced options section, do the following:

    • In the Snapshot mount location box, enter the destination client computer where the snapshot is mounted. Alternately, select the file icon on the right side to select a physical client from the Physical client selection list.
  9. Click SUBMIT.


  • If Commvault services are restarted on the client computer, the clone server becomes unavailable, even if the reservation period of the clone server is not over.
