Modifying the Number of Streams for Backups

You can modify the number of streams used for backup operations for FSBasedBackupset subclients and DumpBasedBackupset subclients. You can configure multiple streams for data backups.


  • Single stream is used for Log backups.

  • Multi-stream backups from FSBased backupsets will work only for PostgreSQL clients with indexing enabled. By default, this is enabled for new clients that are created in Feature Release 11.20 and more recent versions.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Databases.

    The database Overview page appears.

  2. Go to the Instances tab.

  3. Click an instance.

    The instance page appears.

  4. On the Backup sets tab, click FSBasedBackupSet or DumpBasedBackupSet.

    The backupset overview page appears.

  5. On the Database groups tab, click the database group.

    The database group overview page appears.

  6. In the General tile, beside Number of data streams, click Edit, and then enter the number of streams.

  7. Click Submit. Save button tick symbol.
