When you configure a replication group for an Azure destination, identify source VMs, and then provide Azure-specific values for replication to the destination site.
You can replicate to an Azure destination from Azure source VMs, Hyper-V source VMs, or VMware source VMs.
Content Options
Name: Enter a descriptive name for the replication group, or change the name.
Source hypervisor: Select the hypervisor for the source VMs.
To create a new hypervisor, click Create new.
When you edit an existing replication group, you cannot change this value.
Contents: Click Add virtual machines, and then select the virtual machines that you want to to include in the replication group.
Target Options
Recovery target: Select a previously defined recovery target or click Create new to create a new recovery target.
When you edit an existing replication group, you cannot change this value.
- Periodic: To configure a replication group that keeps the source and destination machines in sync periodically (every few minutes, hours, or days), select this option, and then configure the frequency of replication operations.
Frequency: Select the frequency for replication operations. The default frequency is 4 hours.
Warm site recovery (Restore destination VM at the time of failover): Move this toggle key to the right to create a destination VM only during a failover.
Advanced Options
Disable replication after group creation: To disable replication (recovery) operations after the creation of this replication group, move this toggle key to the right.
After the replication group is created, when you are ready to start replication, go to the replication group, click Manage content and on the Target tab, move the Disable replication after group created toggle key to the left.
Unconditionally overwrite if it already exists: When you select this option, the first replication operation replaces an existing VM with the same name in the target location, even if the destination VM is running.
Replications that apply incremental updates are not affected by this setting. Incremental updates are applied to the destination VM without overwriting the VM. If the destination VM is currently running, replication fails.
When the Restore as a managed VM option is enabled and the replicated VM is active on the destination site, two copies of the disks (unmanaged and managed) are maintained in the storage account selected for staging for the incremental replication. The replicated VM is deployed on the destination site only after a failover operation.
Failover delay between different priority machines (in mins): Enter a value in minutes to specify how long the failover or failback operation should wait between processing VMs that are assigned different priorities.
This setting can be used to enable higher priority machines to start before processing the next set of machines.
Continue to next priority on failure: To continue failover or failback operations when a VM cannot be included in the operation, move this toggle key to the right.
If you do not enable this option, the failover or failback operation stops when a VM cannot be processed successfully.
Customization Scripts
To configure options for pre and post failover and failback scripts, click the Actions menu, click Configure script, and then choose the script that you want to configure.
- Azure VM agent
Supported Scripts
Windows: Powershell
Linux: Shell scripts
Pre-failover script: This script is run on the production (source) VM before failover.
Post-failover script: This script is run on the Auto Recovery (Destination) VM after failover.
Pre-failback script: This is will run on the Auto Recovery (Destination) VM before failback.
Post-failback script: This script is run on the Production (Source) VM after failback.
To use sample scripts to validate VMs that run applications, see Scripts for Application Validation.
Script Options
Path type: Select UNC.
UNC Credentials: Enter credentials or use a set of saved credentials:
Enter credentials: Select this option to manually enter the user name and password for the UNC network.
Username: Enter the user name for a user account that has permissions to access the network path for the script.
Password: Enter the password for the user account.
Use saved credentials: Select this option to use a set of credentials that were previously saved for the UNC network.
Credentials: Select a saved set of credentials.
Add button
: Click this button and then enter and save a set of credentials.
Configure Priority
To configure the priority of a script, click the Actions menu, click Change priority, and specify the priority of the script. 1 is the highest priority.
Recovery Options
Storage: Select the storage pool to use as a recovery store for source data to replicate to the destination site.
Replicate using secondary copy: To replicate from a secondary copy, select this option.
- Storage: Select the storage pool to use for secondary copies of source data to replicate to the destination site.
Override Options
To change the destination settings for specific VMs, select the VMs from the Virtual machine list. You can enter the following information:
General settings
VM display name: Enter a string that is added to source VM names to create display names for the destination VMs, or enter a prefix or suffix to apply to multiple VMs.
You can only change this value when adding a new VM or if a replication group is a warm site for Azure.
Resource group: Select the resource group in which the converted virtual machine should be created.
You can only change this value when adding a new VM or if a replication group is a warm site for Azure.
Region: Select the region for the restored VM.
This field applies only to Azure.
Availability zone: For Azure managed disks, select the pre-defined availability zone for the restored VM.
The zones listed apply only to the region selected for the restored VM. If you select the Auto option rather than a specific availability zone (1, 2, or 3), and if the feature is supported for the specified region and VM size, the VM is restored to the same availability zone as the source VM, otherwise, it is restored without a zone (No Zone).
You can only change this value for new recovery targets or if a replication group is a warm site for Azure.
Storage account: Select an Azure Standard or Premium general-purpose storage account. You can select a different storage account for each virtual machine and disk.
The storage accounts listed are only those associated with the selected region for the restored VM.
You can only change this value when adding a new VM or if a replication group is a warm site for Azure.
VM size: Select a VM size from the list. The VM sizes in the list are those that are available for the resource group you selected.
Virtual Network: Select the virtual network for destination VM from the list. Virtual networks are listed based on the region selected. You can leave the default selection as Auto Select.
Security group: Select a network security group for the destination VMs.
IP address settings
Preferred private IP type: Select either Dynamic or Static. If you select Static, enter the IP address.
Create/assign public IP: If you select this setting, the Public IP type setting appears.
Public IP type: Select either Dynamic or Static. If you select Static, select the public IP from the list.
Test failover settings
Virtual network: Select the virtual network for test failover VM from the list. Virtual networks are listed based on the region selected. You can leave the default selection as Auto Select.
VM size: Select the VM size for the test failover VM from the list. VM sizes are listed based on the region selected. You can leave the default selection as Auto Select.
Security group: Select a network security group for the test failover VMs.
Preferred private IP type: Select either Dynamic or Static. If you select Static, enter the IP address.
Create/assign public IP: If you select this setting, the Public IP type setting appears.
Public IP type: Select either Dynamic or Static. If you select Static, select the public IP from the list.