
Index Backup Retention Report (Command Center and Web Console)

The Index Backup Retention report displays information about indexes that are backed up on media, as well as the backup jobs they are protecting. The Index Backup report is available through the Command Center and the Web Console. For more information, see Index Backup Retention Report.

Index Cache Location Report (CommCell Console)


In FR 11.23, the Index Cache Space Utilization report was removed, and its information was merged into the Index Cache Location Report.

The Index Cache Location report provides information related to the index cache, including type, size, capacity, usage, status, and free disk space. The Index Cache Location report is available only through the Health Report. For more information, see Index Cache Location Tile.

Index Details Report (CommCell Console)

The Index Details Report displays index database details for an index server.

Index State Report (CommCell Console)


In FR 11.23, the Index Backup report was removed, and its information was merged into the Index State report.

The Index State report lists the status of the index database reconstruction. The Index State report is available only through the Health Report. For more information, see Index State Tile.

Warning Status

If the status of your Index State report is Warning, then the index reconstruction process is working but might not be up to date. You can check the following possible causes:


See "Index has not been backed up for past 30 days" in Troubleshooting for additional information.

Critical Status

If the status of your Index State report is Critical, check your CommCell environment for the following possible causes:

  • Ensure that a schedule policy named System Created for IndexBackup Client is present in your CommCell Console and that it is associated to a valid storage policy. This schedule policy should have been created and configured automatically by the system.

  • If you have scheduled backups to run continuously in your CommCell environment, modify the System Created for IndexBackup schedule to perform backups of the index during a more idle time.

  • If the report shows the error, Log Restore fails for job id, do the following:

    • Open the CommCell Console and check that job id is a valid job.

    • If the job is located on tape media, then ensure that the tape is available for restores.

    • Check that the associated MediaAgent is online and the data paths are accessible.

  • If the report shows the errors, Playback failure, or Index database corruption, contact Commvault Support.


See "Index has not been backed up for past 30 days" in Troubleshooting for additional information.

Index Server Load Report (CommCell Console)

The Index Server Load Report displays information about index load statuses, index load trends, and index size distributions across MediaAgents that are acting as index servers in a CommCell.

The report also includes a load balancing feature, which redistributes indexes across all index servers in a CommCell in order to achieve optimal distribution of indexes across available disk space.

For more information, see Index Server Load Report.
