Add a NAS File Server


Add the NAS file server that you want to back up.

You can back up both Common Internet File System (CIFS) shares and Network File System (NFS) exports. If you want to use IntelliSnap to back up the file server, add a storage array when you add the file server.

Before You Begin

Ensure that your access node meets hardware specifications to back up the CIFS shares and NFS exports. For more information, see Hardware Specifications for Access Nodes.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > File Servers.

    The File servers page appears.

  2. In the upper-right corner of the page, click Add server.

    The Add server page appears.

  3. Click NAS.

    The Add NAS server dialog box appears.

  4. In the Name box, enter a name for the file server.

  5. In the Host name box, enter the fully qualified host name of the file server.

  6. From the Plan list, select the server plan to use for the file server.

  7. Under Choose backup method, specify how you want to back up the file server:




    If you want to use IntelliSnap to back up the file server, add a storage array.

    1. Under Network share configuration, beside Array, click Add.

      The Add array dialog box appears.

    2. From the Select vendor list, select the array vendor.

    3. In the Array name box, enter the storage array name.

    4. Enter the user name and password for the array.

    5. To confirm that the system can connect to the array, click Preview.

    6. Click OK.


    1. Move the CIFS toggle key to the right.

    2. To specify the access nodes to use for the file server, from the Access Nodes list, select the access nodes.

      By default, the MediaAgents that are associated with the storage that is specified in the server plan are used as the access nodes.

    3. Beside CIFS credentials, click Edit, and then specify the credentials to use.

    4. To back up only some content, beside Backup content, click Edit, and then specify the content to back up.

      By default, all content is backed up.


    1. Move the NFS toggle key to the right.

    2. To specify the access nodes to use for the file server, from the Access Nodes list, select the access nodes.

      By default, the MediaAgents that are associated with the storage that is specified in the server plan are used as the access nodes.

    3. To back up only some content, beside Backup content, click Edit, and then specify the content to back up.

      By default, all content is backed up.


For NetApp C-mode, if you want to add the CIFS/NFS protocol for an existing de-configured NAS client that is created when C-mode array is added using array management, ensure that the default subclient content is updated with appropriate CIFS/NFS interface if management IP and CIFS/NFS interface IPs are different.

  1. Click Save.

Adding a NAS Server for NDMP

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