Adding a Google Cloud Platform Hypervisor


Add a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) hypervisor to support data protection operations for all instances hosted or managed by the hypervisor.

Before You Begin

  • To back up and restore GCP instances, you must create a GCP service account, and then download the JSON file for GCP service account authentication. You will need this file when you add a GCP hypervisor to your environment.

    For more information, see Creating a Google Cloud Platform Service Account.

  • The access node must be present on Google Cloud. You can designate one access node to back up instances from multiple projects (to which access rights are provided in your GCP service account). For faster backups and restores, designate at least one access node for every GCP region.

    You can install the Virtual Server Agent (VSA) package on other instances to create one or more additional access nodes for a GCP project.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Virtualization.

    The Virtual machines page appears.

  2. On the Hypervisors tab, click Add hypervisor.

  3. For Select vendor, select Google Cloud Platform.

  4. For Client name, type a descriptive name for the hypervisor.

  5. For Service account ID, type the GCP service account ID.

  6. For JSON file path, select the JSON file for service account authentication that you downloaded when you created the GCP service account for the associated project.


    Starting with Feature Release 22, when you add a new GCP hypervisor to your environment, you must use a JSON file for service account authentication. GCP hypervisors that were created prior to this release use the P12 private key for service account authentication. You can edit these hypervisors to use a JSON file for authentication as well. For more information, see Editing Hypervisor Information.

  7. From the Access node list, select a previously deployed access node.

  8. Click Save.

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