Adding a Resource Pool for Kubernetes


In a multi-tenanted environment, you can simplify management with resource pools. A resource pool is a set of infrastructure settings such as storage, access nodes, and index servers.

For each storage pool, you can have only one resource pool.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Manage > Infrastructure.

    The Infrastructure page appears.

  2. Click the Resource pools tile.

    The Resource pools page appears.

  3. In the upper-right area of the page, click Add.

    The Add resource pool dialog box appears.

  4. From the Solution type list, select Kubernetes.

  5. In the Name box, enter a name for the resource pool.

  6. From the Storage list, select the storage pool that is associated with the server plan that you want to use.

  7. From the Access node list, select the access nodes to use for the resource pool.

  8. Click Save.

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