You can create a disk filter to exclude virtual machine disks from backups of Google Cloud Platform.
From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Virtualization.
The Virtual machines page appears.
On the Hypervisors tab, click the hypervisor.
The hypervisor page appears.
Under VM groups, click the VM group that you want to create a disk filter for.
The VM group page appears.
In the Content section, click Manage.
The VM group content dialog box appears.
On the Disk Filters tab, click Add disk filter.
The Add disk filter dialog box appears.
Specify the filter.
To filter disks by label, do the following:
From the Disk filter type list, select Disk label.
In the Key box, enter the key to filter.
You can use wildcards. For example, enter 123* for keys that start with "123".
In the Value box, enter the value to filter.
You can use wildcards. For example, enter 123* for values that start with "123".
To filter disks by name, do the following:
From the Disk filter type list, select Disk name/pattern.
In the Disk name/pattern box, enter the name of the disk to filter.
You can use wildcards. For example, enter 123* for names that start with "123".
To filter OS disks, do the following:
From the Disk filter type list, select Disk type.
From the Disk type list, select OS Disk (the only value).