Cross-Cloud Restores of Metadata Between Amazon S3 and Azure Blob

You can perform cross-cloud restores of metadata from Amazon S3 to Azure Blob and vice versa.



Metadata you can restore cross-cloud

Metadata you can't restore cross-cloud

Amazon S3

Azure Blob

  • System-defined metadata such as Content-Encoding, Content-Type, Cache-Control, and Content-Language

  • User-defined metadata with key and value that are prefixed with x-amz-meta-name

  • Tags with key and value (optional)

System-defined metadata that are not supported by Azure Blob such as x-amz-website-redirect-location and Expires


Azure Blob does not define metadata at the folder level, so only the file-level metadata is restored.

Azure Blob

Amazon S3

  • System-defined metadata such as Content-Encoding, Content-Type, Cache-Control, Content-Language, and Content-Disposition

  • User-defined metadata with key and value

  • Tags with key and value (optional)

System-defined metadata that are not supported by Amazon S3 such as ContentMD5, ETag, AccessTier, AccessTierInferred, AccessTierChangeTime, ArchiveStatus, RehydrationPriority, LeaseState, available, LeaseDuration, LeaseStatus, unlocked, and ServerEncrypted
