Deleting Messages in Exchange Mailbox


With Exchange Mailbox Delete feature, you can delete backed up messages from secondary storage in the following ways:

  • From the Command Center.

  • From the Web Console.

The delete feature allows the admin user to permanently delete any data that was backed up. This is useful if you want to delete data so that it cannot be restored again. For example, you may want to delete data for legal purposes or compliance regulations.

Keep in mind that the delete operation only deletes the backup data - the source data will remain in the mailbox. Therefore, it is recommended to delete the data from the source first so that it will not be backed up again. However, the stubs must be deleted from the source before running the delete operation so that they are not backed up again.

The delete operation makes the data inaccessible for browsing and recovery - the data will remain on the media and take up space until it is aged off according to the retention rules set for the data. Data will not be recoverable using any data recovery methods.

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