To access and protect instances that run in AWS, configure a Commvault hypervisor.
Select vendor: Select Amazon.
Client name: Type a descriptive name for the hypervisor.
Regions (optional): To restrict communication to specific regions, enter the regions as comma-separated values.
In this list, you can include private region identifiers such as government region values. For examples, see the following pages:
By default, the access node tries to communicate with all regions.
Authentication: Select the authentication method:
IAM role: If you select this option, select an access node that has an IAM role associated with it in the AWS Console.
If you select IAM role for the AWS client, but an access node that is not associated with the IAM role is used for a backup or restore, the operation fails.
The IAM role must have appropriate permissions, which can be any of the following:
Amazon EC2 Full Access
Amazon S3 Full Access
Administrator Access
Custom permissions to access AWS resources, which can be one of the following:
Amazon Web Services User Permissions for Backups and Restores
Amazon Web Services User Permissions for VM Conversion
Access and secret key: If you select this option, provide the following information:
Access key: Type the Access Key ID that is associated with your AWS account.
Secret key: Type the Secret Access Key that is associated with your AWS account.
To apply an IAM policy for the hypervisor when you use this authentication method, you can attach an IAM policy to the user who is associated with the access and secret key.
Use admin account resources: If you already configured a hypervisor for an Admin account, you can select the Use admin account resources option and then select the Admin account from the Account list. This option applies only in environments where data protection resources are provided by a separate Admin account.
If another AWS hypervisor is not already configured, this field does not appear.
Access nodes: Select an access node to use for backup and restore operations.