Performing PostgreSQL Dump/Exports in AWS Outposts

Commvault protects PostgreSQL database in AWS Outposts.

You can configure a database server to represent the AWS Outposts.

When you create a PostgreSQL instance, a DumpBasedBackupSet and an FSBasedBackupSet with default database groups are automatically created.

  • A DumpBasedBackupSet backs up selected individual or group of databases.

  • An FSBasedBackupSet backs up an entire PostgreSQL server which includes all the databases and logs.

You can restore to the same host, or to a new host

For more information, see PostgreSQL.

What Gets Backed Up

  • Dump-based backup:

    • PostgreSQL system databases

    • PostgreSQL user databases

  • File System-based backup:

    • PostgreSQL databases (data and logs)

    • Log files

What Does Not Get Backed Up

  • Roles and tablespace locations because the pg_dump utility is used for dump-based backup operation. File System-based backups back up roles and tablespace locations.


The following Amazon RDS system components are required:

  • A MediaAgent

  • An access node that facilitates the backup and restore operations

  • An Amazon RDS virtualization client

For more information, see Amazon RDS System Components.

PostgreSQL Configuration

  • To configure a PostgreSQL server instance that is hosted in the Amazon RDS cloud, create an EC2 instance in the Amazon cloud to function as the access node, add the access node in the CommCell Console. Then, create a virtualization client to function as the pseudoclient, and add the PostgreSQL server instance to the pseudoclient.

    For more information, see Configuration for Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL Backup

  • You can perform a logical data dump backup of the data. When you perform a backup operation, the Commvault software invokes the PostgreSQL pg_dump client utility to perform the backup operation.

    For more information, see Backing Up a PostgreSQL Database.

PostgreSQL Restore

  • You can restore PostgreSQL databases in the Amazon RDS cloud to the same instance as the backup or to a different instance. You can perform the restore operation from the Amazon RDS virtualization client computer.

    For more information, see Restoring PostgreSQL Instances.
