To avoid issues introduced by the antivirus software, we recommend excluding the following directories in Distributed Storage proxies / MediaAgents from read, write and scan options, based on your company's policies for setting up antivirus software.
The information provided is not a complete list of exclusions as the product may change with updates, versions, and innovation to existing or new software modules. It is recommended to test the functions of the software's features and monitor the processes and how they interact with the antivirus software during normal operations and work with the antivirus software vendor to achieve proper configuration and tuning of the antivirus software. The goal is to allow operations on the proxies,, so that the rules and schedules for the antivirus software operations do not interfere, impede or prevent successful operations on the storage device.
Disk library folders
Deduplication database folders
Hedvig binaries
Mount folders
Commvault binaries
Directory to extract installation binaries
Log folders
Implementing the anti-virus exclusions described in this document may increase the attack vulnerability risk to computers or network by malicious users or by malware or viruses. Before making these changes, it is recommended that the attack vulnerability risks that are associated with implementing these settings be evaluated. It is up to the discretion of the reader's and their company's policies whether to implement the guidelines recommended within this document. Minor revisions and/or service packs that are released by application and operating system vendors are supported by our software. We will provide information on any known caveat for the revisions and/or service packs. In some cases, these revisions and/or service packs affect the working of our software. Changes to the behavior of our software resulting from an application or operating system revision/service pack may be beyond our control. The older releases of our software may not support the platforms supported in the current release. However, we will make every effort to correct the behavior in the current or future releases when necessary. Please contact your Software Provider for any problem with a specific application or operating system. Additional considerations regarding minimum requirements and End of Life policies from application and operating system vendors are also applicable.