To use distributed storage in data management solutions such as disaster recovery, register the distributed storage clusters in the Command Center.
Before You Begin
You must have the Register Distributed Storage permission. For more information, see Storage Management Permissions.
From the navigation pane, go to Storage > Distributed Storage.
The Distributed Storage page appears.
In the upper-right area of the page, click Register cluster.
The Register cluster dialog box appears.
Enter the cluster details, such as cluster URL, username, and password.
The cluster URL is the hostname associated with the public IP (set through DNS) to any one of the storage nodes.
The username and password must match the credentials of a distributed storage user that has the SuperUser role or the PowerUser role.
All users with the Manage Distributed Storage permission can access the Distributed Storage clusters from the Command Center without entering their Distributed Storage cluster credentials.
What to Do Next
Open the Distributed Storage Web User-Interface