Requirements for the Cloud Controller

  • The Cloud Controller consists of one or many virtual machines (VMs) or cloud instances that have the Virtual Server Agent (VSA) package installed.

  • The Cloud Controller requires a minimum hardware specification of:

    • 2 vCPUs

    • 2 GiB RAM

  • The Cloud Controller is supported on the following processor architectures:

    • x86 64-bit

    • ARM 64-bit (including Amazon Graviton instances)

  • For the list of operating systems supported for the Cloud Controller, see Virtual Server Agent (VSA) Requirements.

  • You can add one or more VSA proxies to the Cloud Controller. But, at least one VSA proxy must always be running in order to turn on and turn off the cloud MediaAgent.

  • The cloud controller must have at least one online proxy to process power on request for other proxies.

  • When you create the virtual client to act as the Cloud Controller, do the following:

    • For Azure, configure an Azure application ID that is assigned to the Contributor role during the virtual client creation. Also, create a Cloud Controller that is within the same subscription as the cloud MediaAgent.

      For more information about Azure user permissions, consult the Azure documentation.

    • For Amazon, configure an Amazon user account with the "ec2:StartInstances", "ec2:StopInstances", "ec2:DescribeRegions", "ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones", "ec2:DescribeInstances" and “ec2: GetConsoleOutput” permissions.

      If the virtual client uses IAM authentication method, then the first VSA proxy should be on Amazon and have the corresponding IAM role associated. The VSA proxy must be online always to perform power management operation.

      For more information about Amazon user permissions and roles, consult the Amazon documentation.

    • For VMware vCenter Hypervisor, configure an user account with the Power On and the Power Off permissions during the virtual client creation.

      For more information about VMware vCenter user permissions, see Virtual Machine - Interaction Permissions.

    • For Google Cloud, configure an user account with the Compute Instance Admin (v1) permission during the virtual client creation.

      For more information about Google Cloud user permissions, see Service Account Permissions for Google Cloud Platform.
