Restoring a Full Amazon EC2 Instance Out of Place

You can restore a full Amazon EC2 instance to a different location.

If you are using the import method for restores, when you restore a full Amazon EC2, convert a VM to an Amazon EC2 instance, or replicate a VM to Amazon EC2 by using the import method, Commvault automatically creates an Amazon S3 bucket for the destination. The bucket is named gx-restore-region_name-account_id, where region_name is the name of the AWS region and account_id is the AWS account for the hypervisor.


Commvault does not restore Amazon EBS gp3 IOPS values or throughput values. Default values are set by the restore operation. You can modify the default values after the restore is complete. The default IOPS value is 3000. The default throughput value is 125MB/s.

Before You Begin


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Virtualization.

    The Virtual machines page appears.

  2. On the Hypervisors tab, click the hypervisor.

    The hypervisor page appears.

  3. On the VM groups tab, in the row for the VM group, click the action button action_button , and then click Restore.

    The Select restore type page appears.

  4. Click Full instance.

    The Restore page appears.

  5. To choose a different MediaAgent or source copy for the restore, do the following:

    1. In the upper-right corner of the page, click Settings.

      The Settings dialog box appears.

    2. For MediaAgent, decide whether to have the Commvault software automatically select the MediaAgent or to specify a MediaAgent:

      • Automatic: By default, the Commvault software selects the MediaAgent for the restore operation based on availability and environment.

      • To restore data using a specific MediaAgent, from the list, select a MediaAgent.

    3. For Source, decide whether to have the Commvault software automatically select the copy of backup data or to specify the copy:

      • Automatic: By default, the restore operation searches for the requested data in the primary copy and selects a different copy if the data is not found in the primary copy.

      • To restore from a specific copy of backup data, from the list, select a backup copy.

    4. Click Save.

  6. Select the content to restore, and then click Restore.

    The Restore options dialog box appears.

  7. In the Restore as list, leave Amazon selected.

  8. From the Destination list, select the hypervisor where you want to restore the instance.

  9. In the Access Node list, select the access node to restore one or more instances:

    By default, the automatic option is used for the restore. This option is available for full instance restores from streaming backups or IntelliSnap backup copies. Instances are assigned to access nodes first by performing a region match.

    • When you restore multiple instances, select Automatic to distribute the instances in the restore job across the access nodes that are assigned to the destination hypervisor.

    • To use a different access node, select the access node or the access node group from the list.

      If you select an access node that is outside of Amazon Web Services, the restore uploads volume information to Amazon S3 and uses the volumes to create the instance.

    If you select an access node group to restore VMs, the Commvault software distributes the workload (instances or VMs) in the restore job across the access nodes (also called proxies) that are available in the access node group.

  10. Configure restore options for all instances or for each instance individually:

    • All Instances: To configure restore options for all instances, select this option.

    • Instance: To configure restore options for each instance individually, select each option, and then configure the restore options.

    • Instance name: To change the name of an individual instance, select the instance, and then enter the new display name in the box. This option appears only when you select an individual instance.


      If an instance with the same name exists on the destination host, and you do not enable Unconditionally overwrite if it already exists, the restore job fails.

    • Enable edit destination instance name: When you are restoring multiple instances, to change the names of destination instances, select this option, select Prefix or Suffix, and then enter a string to append to the original display names to create new destination instance names. This options appears only when you select All Instances.

    • Availability zone: Select the zone for the destination.

    • AMI Selection: To select a specific AMI for the restore, enter the AMI name or browse to select it.

      When you browse, public AMIs are not listed. However, you can manually enter the name of a public AMI.

      By default, the Commvault software automatically selects an appropriate AMI.

    • Instance type: To use a specific instance type, select an instance type that provides the available CPU cores and memory for the instance.

    • Volume type: Select a volume type for the restored instance.

      The default volume type is Original. The Original volume type is selected when the volume type of the source instance is retained for the restored instance.

      The following volume types are available: General Purpose SSD (gp2), General Purpose SSD (gp3), Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1), Provisioned IOPS SSD (io2), Throughput Optimized HDD (st1), Cold HDD (sc1), and Magnetic (standard).

      If the volume size for a volume type is not within the specified limit, the restore operation falls back to the General Purpose SSD (gp2) volume type.

      For information about the volume size restrictions for each volume type, see Amazon EBS volume types in the AWS documentation.

    • Encryption key: Select an encryption key for the restored instance.

      The default encryption key is Original. The Original encryption key is selected when the encryption key of the source instance is retained for the restored instance. If the source instance is encrypted with the multi-region key, then we check if the source and target regions are different. If the replica key is present in the target region, we will use that replica key to encrypt. For information on the multi-region key capability, see Creating a multi region key.

      The following options are available: Default encryption (aws/ebs) and custom encryption keys.

    • Network: Select an Amazon EC2 or a Amazon VPC network for the restored instances.

    • Auto select security group: To select a specific security group, clear this option, and then select a security group for the selected network.

  11. To start the instance automatically after the restore operation completes, select the Power on instance after restore check box.

  12. To delete an existing file and replace it with the restored file, move the Unconditionally overwrite if it already exists toggle key to the right.

  13. To specify the transport mode for the restored instances, in the Additional options section, from the Transport mode list, select the mode:

  14. Commvault HotAdd: To use this method, you must either enter the guest credentials or have the drivers pre-installed in the VMs.Click Submit.
