You can retire an entity such as an archiving file server.
Retiring an entity consists of releasing the license, deleting the entity from the CommServe database, and uninstalling the Commvault software from the entity. Retiring an entity also removes the entity from backup schedules.
If no backed-up data exists for the entity and the entity is available online, the Commvault software performs all the necessary steps for the retirement. If not, you can manually delete the entity and uninstall the Commvault software.
After you retire an entity, you can restore data from the retired entity until the retention parameters for the data are met. You can also re-add the entity to Commvault as a new entity.
Before You Begin
You must have the Delete permission for the entity that you want to retire. For more information, see Permissions by Feature - Client.
From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Archiving.
The File servers page appears.
In the row for the file server that you want to retire, click the action button
, and then select Retire.
The Retire dialog box appears.
Enter the confirmation text, and then click Retire.
If no backed-up data for the entity exists, then the license is released. If the entity is available on the network, then the Commvault software is uninstalled from the entity and the entity is permanently deleted from the CommServe database.
If backed-up data for the entity exists, manually delete the entity from the CommServe database:
In the row for the entity, click the action button
, and then select Delete.
The confirmation dialog box appears.
Click Yes.
The license is released.
If the entity is available on the network, then the system uninstalls the Commvault software from the entity and permanently deletes the entity from Commvault.
What to Do Next
If the entity is not available on the network, then the system cannot uninstall the Commvault software nor delete the entity from Commvault. You can manually uninstall the software.