Wildcards for Object Storage Content Groups

You can use a wildcard to represent one or more characters when you define the content for backups and filters for a subclient.

The search for subclient content is not case-sensitive.


If the subclient content consists of wildcard characters and no eligible files are found for the backup, the backup operation can still successfully complete.

"<MR>." filters the files with same name as extension and not the folder

Example string with wildcard

What the example string matches

Examples of files that are filtered


<MR>.bak would filter all the files that have .bak extension

  • bak.bak

  • file_1.bak

  • file_n.bak

* (Any Number of Characters)

Example string with wildcard

What the example string matches

Examples of files and directories that are backed up


All files that have the .docx file extension.

Are backed up:

  • Status.docx

  • agenda.docx


All files that:

  • Are in the /Data directory

  • Have the .docx file extension

Are backed up:

  • /Data/Status.docx

  • /Data/agenda.docx


All files that:

  • Have names that begin with the letter "a"

  • Have the .so file extension

Are backed up:

  • alsvc.so

  • advdcc.so


All files and directories that:

  • Are in the /Finance directory

  • Have names that begin with "Agenda"

Are backed up:

  • /Finance/agenda.pdf

  • /Finance/agenda.docx

? (A Single Character)

Example string with wildcard

What the example string matches

Examples of files and directories that are backed up


All files and directories that have a name that begins with "access", followed by any 1 character.

Are backed up:

  • access1.pdf

  • Access2.pdf

    Are not backed up, because "access" is followed by a number of characters other than 1:

  • access.pdf

  • Access15.pdf


All files and directories that have a name that begins with "access", followed by any 2 characters.

Are backed up:

  • access15.pdf

  • Access20.pdf

    Are not backed up, because "access" is followed by a number of characters other than 2:

  • access1.pdf

  • Access2.pdf


All files and directories that have a name that:

  • Begins with "Class"

  • Has 1 character between "Class" and "report"

  • Ends in "report"

Are backed up:

  • Class1report.docx

  • Class2report.docx

Are not backed up, because "Class" is followed by a number of characters other than 1:

  • Classreport.docx

  • Class12report.docx

[n] (A Range of Characters)

Numbers within square brackets are treated as single digits, and a dash between two digits indicates the complete range of numbers between those two digits.

Example string with wildcard

What the example string matches

Examples of files and directories that are backed up


All files that:

  • Are on the / (root) partition

  • Begin with the letters a-m

Are backed up:

  • /root/accounts.pdf

  • /root/my_file.docx

    Is not backed up:

  • /root/users.docx


All files that:

  • Have names that begin with A, E, I, O, or U

  • Have the .docx file extension

Are backed up:

  • /root/accounting/accounts.docx

  • /root/accounting/users.docx

Are not backed up:

  • /root/accounting/File1.docx

  • /root/accounting/budget.docx


All files and directories that:

  • Are in the /Finance directory

  • Have a name that begins with "report", followed by any number in the specified ranges

Are backed up:

  • /Finance/report1

  • /Finance/report2

  • /Finance/report4

  • /Finance/report7

  • /Finance/report8

  • /Finance/report9


All files and directories that have names that begin with "Department-", followed by A-C, or S.

Are backed up:

  • Department-A

  • Department-B

  • Department-C

  • Department-S

    Is not backed up:

  • Department-D

[!n] (The Negation of a Range or a Set of Characters)

Example string with wildcard

What the example string matches

Examples of files and directories that are backed up


All files that:

  • Are in the /root directory

  • Have names that do not start with A, E, I, O, or U

  • Have the .docx file extension

Are backed up:

  • /root/File1.docx

  • /root/budget.docx

    Are not backed up:

  • /root/accounts.docx

  • /root/users.docx

** (Any Number of Characters Across Any Number of Path Levels)

Example string with wildcard

What the example string matches

Examples of files and directories that are backed up


All files that have the name move.cpp.

Are backed up:

  • /root/newapp/move.cpp

  • /opt/kde3/src/move.cpp


All files and directories under the /etc directory, including all sub-directories.

Are backed up:

  • /etc/budget

  • /etc/users.docx

*** (Filters and Exceptions)

Use this wildcard in the following scenarios:

  • To filter the directory/library and the objects that are under it.

  • To add an exception to a filter.

Example string with wildcard

What the example string matches

Examples of files and directories that are backed up


This string filters ABC.LIB and its contents.

The filter QSYS.LIB/*** and the exception /QSYS.LIB/ABC.LIB/***

This string backs up ABC.LIB and its contents.
