Adding or Removing Nodes to an Existing Client (Microsoft Hyper-V)


When you create a new virtualization client for a Hyper-V cluster, you can include one or more Hyper-V nodes as a proxy for backing up the virtual machines in the cluster. Later on, to streamline and load balance the backup performance and manage resource utilization, you can assign additional proxy nodes or remove existing proxy nodes for your virtualization client.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > virtualization_client > Virtual Server.

  2. Right-click the Hyper-V instance, and then click Properties.

    The Virtual Server Instance Properties dialog box is displayed.

  3. On the Nodes tab, choose how you want to manage the proxy nodes:

    After adding a virtualization client in V11, you can only specify VSA proxies that are also V11.

    • To include proxy nodes, click Add.

      The Select Clients/Client Groups dialog box is displayed.

      1. In the Exclude list, select one or more Hyper-V nodes in the cluster with the Virtual Server Agent installed. Only proxies that match the type of the virtualization client are displayed.

      2. Click Include, and then click OK.

    • To remove a proxy node, select the node name, and then click Remove.

    • To change the order of nodes, select a node, and then click the up or down icon.

    • The first proxy node acts as a coordinator to allocate jobs to other proxies.

  4. Click OK.

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