Allowing Remote Desktop Access from Macintosh Clients to Windows Clients


You can configure a Macintosh client to access the RDP remote service of a Windows client through a Commvault tunnel. The Macintosh client can act as a network proxy so that other Macintosh clients can access the Windows client remotely. This configuration is known as port forwarding.

Before You Begin

Commvault network connection routes, such as direct or network gateway connections, must be configured between the Macintosh client and Windows client.


To perform the configuration, follow the instructions in Configuring Port Forwarding Between Client Computers.

During the configuration, you must provide the following details:

  • Source client: The Macintosh client that will act as the network gateway.

  • Source port: 3389 or any other port of your choice.

  • Destination client: The Windows client that you want to access.

  • Destination port: 3389

What To Do Next

Based on the type of port forwarding setting that you selected during the configuration, perform a remote desktop connection to the Windows client as follows:

  • If TPPM is set to None: From the source client, start a remote desktop connection using localhost:<SourcePortNumber> as the computer information.

  • If TPPM is set to Any: From any of the Macintosh clients, start a remote desktop connection using <SourceClientIP>:<SourcePortNumber> as the computer information.

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