Array Management


Use this dialog box to add or modify access information for an array.

Snap Vendor

Lists the available snapshot engine vendors. To select a snapshot engine vendor, click the pull-down arrow and click the one that you want to use.

Array ID

Use this space to specify the identification information for the array. The identification information for the array will be based on the snapshot engine that you are using. For more information, refer to Books Online.

Control Host

If applicable, use this space to specify the name of the device manager server where the array was configured.

User Name

Use this space to type the name of the user account that has rights to access the array.


Use this space to type the password for the specified account.

Confirm password

Retype the password for confirmation.

Device Group

If applicable, specify the name of the hardware device group created on the array, to be used for snapshot operations. If you do not specify a device group, the default device group will be used for snapshot operations.

Use devices only from this device group

Select this option to use only the snapshots devices available in the device group specified above.


Use this field to enter a description about the entity. You can include information such as the entity's content, and cautionary notes.

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