You can attach one or more volumes from a backed up instance (source instance) to an existing instance (target instance), or attach the volumes to a new instance. You can restore the tags associated with the volumes.
This feature is useful in the following scenarios:
An instance has multiple volumes, but you only want to restore some of the volumes.
You want to copy and add volumes from one instance into another instance.
You want to quickly restore a volume and access the data on the volume.
You want to restore an instance but the OS volume was filtered from the backup.
Attach volume restores run faster with EBS Direct API restores.
Before You Begin
If a volume has an AWS Marketplace product code, it can only be attached to an instance that is stopped.
You must specify an Amazon instance as the VSA proxy for the restore.
To restore a volume and attach it to a new instance, a valid custom AMI for Windows or Linux must be available in the region.
Make a note of the credentials for the AMI. After you attach non-root volumes to a new instance, you can log on to the new instance using the credentials required by the specified AMI.
From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > virtualization_client > Virtual Server > Amazon.
Right-click the backup set that contains the data to restore, and then select All Tasks > Browse and Restore.
In the Browse and Restore Options dialog box, select Attach Volume and then select one of the following options:
Existing Instance: Selected volumes are added to the existing instance as data volumes.
New Instance: Selected volumes are added to a new instance instance as data volumes. The new instance is based on the AMI you specify.
Click View Content.
Navigate to the source instance in the left pane.
All volumes of the instance are selected automatically in the right pane.
To restore all volumes, leave the default selections for the instance in the right pane.
To restore selected volumes, clear the selections in the right pane for volumes that should not be restored.
Click Recover All Selected.
In the Restore Options for All Selected Items dialog box, provide the following information:
Virtualization Client: To restore to a different AWS account, select the virtualization client for the account.
Proxy Client: Select a VSA proxy on an Amazon instance from the Proxy Client list.
Instance and Volume: Expand the instance to display volumes, and select the volumes to be restored.
To restore to an existing instance, provide the following information:
Restore to Existing Instance: Click in the first row of Restore to Existing Instance column, and then click the browse button (...) to select the target instance.
To display instance IDs, select Show VM Instance ID at the bottom of the browse dialog box.
Change Volume name to: To rename an instance volume, enter the new name in the row for the volume under the Change Volume name to column.
If you do not enter a value for a volume, the volume will be named using the volume ID of the backup volume.
To restore to a new instance, provide the following information:
Change Instance display name to: Enter the new display name for the instance.
Availability Zone: Select the destination zone.
AMI Selection: Select an AMI on which the new instance will be based. Note that only Private AMIs are listed. If you want to restore using a Marketplace AMI, you will need to know the AMI ID and enter it here.
Amazon Options: Click Configure.
The Amazon Cloud Options dialog box appears.
Provide the following information:
VM Display Name - Displays the name of the instance.
Availability Zone - Select the destination zone.
AMI Selection: Select an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that can be used to specify the software configuration for the restored instance.
Instance Type: From this list, select an instance type that provides the available CPU cores and memory for the instance. If you choose Auto (the default option), the instance type is selected based on the corresponding settings for the source VM.
Network Settings: Select an EC2 or a VPC network for the restored instances.
Network: If you select an EC2 network, the second Network and Private IP fields are not displayed.
For a VPC network, select a subnet and network interface for the primary network interface.
Private IP: (Applicable only to VPC) If you select a new network interface as a VPC, specify a private IP that corresponds with the VPC.
If you specify a specific Private IP, we will create and attach the network interface with that IP. If you leave the Private IP field blank, we will create a new network interface that will match with the chosen VPC, and then attach it.
Network: (Applicable only to VPC) For a VPC network, select a subnet and network interface for the secondary network.
Private IP: (Applicable only to VPC) If you select a new network interface as a VPC, specify a private IP that corresponds with the VPC.
If you specify a specific Private IP, we will create and attach the network interface with that IP. If you leave the Private IP field blank, we will create a new network interface that will match with the chosen VPC, and then attach it.
Security Groups: Select a security group for the specified network.
Power ON Instance after Restore: Select this check box to power on the instance automatically after the restore is complete.
Unconditionally overwrite Instance with the same name: Select this check box to replace an instance with the same name at the specified destination.
Click OK.
The source instance volumes are restored and attached to the target instance.