Use this dialog box to change the priority of a job or a group of jobs that are currently active. Note that the lower the priority number, the higher priority the Job Manager gives to the job when allocating resources.
Set Priority
Use Default Priority
Select this option to use default priority for the job.
Change Priority
Use this option to modify the priority of a job between 0 (highest priority) and 999 (lowest priority). The Job Manager will use the priority setting when allocating the required resources.
Select Jobs
All Jobs
If selected, all the priority of all jobs that are active in the Job Controller will be changed to the value set in the New Priority field.
All Selected Jobs
If selected, only the priority of those jobs highlighted in the Job Controller will be changed to the value set in the New Priority field.
All Jobs for this Client
Select a client computer from the list so that only the jobs for the client you select will have their priority changed.
Only Jobs for this Agent Type
Select this check box and choose an agent so that only the jobs for the selected agent on this client will have their priority changed.
All Jobs on this MediaAgent
Select a MediaAgent from the list so that only those jobs for the MediaAgent you select will have their priority changed.