The CommCell Growth Report includes information about the size and setup of the CommCell and the CommCell job and media management statistics over a specified time range. Size and setup information includes the number of entities in the CommCell and any changes that were made to them. Job statistics include the number of completed Data Protection and Data Collection jobs. Media management statistics include the amount of data backed up and any changes that were made to the iDataAgent OS or Application versions.
For security reasons, this report is available only to CommCell Administrators. Your CommCell user account must be a member of the Master user group and have a CommCell-level association to view this report.
You can use the CommCell Growth Report to review information related to the contents and status of the CommCell. This report is useful if you need to know:
Changes made to the entities within the CommCell.
The amount of completed Data Protection jobs and the amount of data backed up within the time range.
Changes to the iDataAgent OS or Application versions.
The scale and performance information for CommCells such as Total Data Protection and Collection Jobs, Total Data Size Backed Up, jobs completed, jobs in the queue, maximum number of streams transfer data, etc., for the last 24 hours.