Computers Overview


You can view all of the desktop and laptop computers you own under Computers in the Web Console. Manage and monitor backup and restore operations for each of your computers from Computers:

  • Configure the backup content, set backup schedules, and monitor backup jobs

  • Browse and restore files, preview the files to be restored, and monitor restore jobs

  • Download and upload files

  • Refine search results, track the location of your computer, and more


By default, the data you manage from the Web Console belongs to the default subclient of your client computer. To view the data from non-default subclients, contact your administrator.

Understanding the Computers Page

Disk Usage: On systems where the File System Quota feature is enabled, this progress bar indicates the quota (limit) set for the user ID you logged on with, and shows how much of that quota you are currently using.

For each computer listed, the following columns are provided:

Computers: Displays the name of the desktop or laptop computer.

Protected: When red, it indicates that the data in the client has not been backed for more than 14 days. When yellow, it indicates that the data has not been backed up in the past 7 days. When green, it indicates that recent backup operations have been performed on the computer.

Last Backup: Displays the date and time of the last backup performed for the client.

Next Backup: Indicates when the next backup operation will be performed. When no backup schedule is set, it displays Not Scheduled. For automatic schedules, the Next Backup will display the most accurate date and time if the CommServe has a valid value updated from the client computer, else will display Automatic.

Size: Displays the amount of backed up data. The size may be in MB, GB or TB.

Actions: Provides a link to a page where you can browse and restore the backed up data of the client.

Click the Add New Computer link displayed below the list of computers to download a package on your computer and to register the computer so that you can manage your computer from the Web Console.

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