Configuration - Outlook Web App (OWA) - Administrator


Configuring Recall Services

After the Web Console and the Web Server have been installed, configure the recall services with the Web Server's URL. When a recall request is triggered, the link configured for the recall services sends an HTTP recall request to the Web Server.

Before You Begin

Consider the following when configuring recall services:

  • We recommend that you specify a Domain Namespace.

  • The Recall Service URL should be in either of the following formats: or

  • The Recall Server can be a load balancing server.

  • The recall services should be accessible from outside the firewall. For details see, Configure to access archived emails from outside the firewall.

  1. From the CommCell Console, expand to Client Computers.

  2. Right-click the appropriate client.

  3. Click Properties.

  4. Click Advanced.

  5. Click the Web Server URLs tab.

  6. In the Recall Services box, do either of the following:

    • Type the address of the recall service.

    • Specify a Domain Namespace to enable external connectivity.

      For example: http://web_console or https://web_console

      Replace web_console with the client name of the computer where Web Console is installed.

  7. Click OK.

Accessing Archived Messages Using OWA

You can add links to the OWA email view that allow you to access archived messages through Web Console. How you add the link depends on which version of Exchange Server that you use.

Accessing Archived Messages Using Exchange Server 2010 or Earlier

You can add an icon and the name of the archive to the email view. When end users click the icon, a browser opens to Web Console. End users can view all of their archived messages in Web Console using this method.

Alternatively, end users can double-click the message in OWA to view only the recalled message in Web Console.

Before You Begin

Make sure that the OWA Proxy Enabler is installed and up-to-date on all of the clients that have the CAS server role.

For more information, see Install Outlook Web App (OWA) - Administrator.

  1. On the client that has the CAS role, navigate to software_installation_folder\Base.

  2. Copy the icon files CvArchive_large.png and CvArchive_small.png, and paste them into the Customization folder within the Exchange Server installation folder.

    For example, C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\ClientAccess\Owa\forms\Customization.

  3. Do either of the following:

    • If the UIExtensions.xml.template file exists in the ClientAccess\Owa\forms\Customization folder, change the file name to UIExtensions.xml.

    • If the UIExtensions.xml file already exists, then make a backup copy of that file in the same location before you make any changes to it.

  4. Open the UIExtensions.xml file in an editor.

  5. Add the icon files and the Web Console URL as attributes to the <MainNavigationBarExtensions> element.

    <MainNavigationBarEntry LargeIcon = "CvArchive_large.png" SmallIcon="CvArchive_small.png" URL=" http://Web_Console_server_name/webconsole/summary?openmbx=true">
  6. In the <string> element, enter the text attribute value for the name of the archive.

    <string text="archive_name"/>

    For example:

    <MainNavigationBarEntry LargeIcon="CvArchive_large.png" SmallIcon="CvArchive_small.png" URL="http://mywebconsole/webconsole/summary?openmbx=true">
     <string text="My Archive"/>
  7. Restart the IIS on the Web server computer.

  8. Repeat this procedure for each CAS server.

    The icon and the string text that you entered appear as an option on the menu in the email view.

Accessing Archived Messages Using Exchange Server 2013 or Later

OWA in Exchange Server 2013 or later does not provide the ability for the end user to double-click a stubbed message. In addition, messages that were stubbed using Commvault 9.0 or earlier might not include a recall link.

In this procedure, you use Office Mail App to add a Quick Look button to stubbed messages so that the end user can recall the archived messages. When the Quick Look button is clicked, a browser opens and the end user is prompted to log on to the Web Console to view recalled messages.

Before You Begin

Make sure that you do the following:

  • Install Exchange Server 2013 SP1 (minimum) or later.

  • Set up message reply. For more information, see Setting Up Message Reply.

  • Install the SSL certificate on the client where Web Console is installed. We recommend that you use a digital certificate signed by the Certificate Authority (CA), and not a self-signed certificate.

  • Verify that the browser that you want to use is supported. For more information, see Microsoft article "Supported browsers for Outlook Web App".


Configuring Web Console

Enable end-user access to archived messages.

  1. On the client where Web Console is installed, add the enableEndUserAccess additional setting:











    For instructions on adding the additional setting from the CommCell Console, see Add or Modify an Additional Setting.

  2. Restart the Tomcat services on the Web Console computer.

Adding a Quick Look Button

  1. Download the cvofficeapp.xml file, and then open it in an editor.

  2. Add the URL of the Web Console to the DefaultValue attribute in the <SourceLocation> element.

    <SourceLocation DefaultValue="https://webconsole1/webconsole/emailrecall/officePreview.html" />


    webconsole1 is the name of your Web Console server.

  3. To deploy the Office Mail App, log on to the Exchange Control Panel using the following URL:



    exchangeservername is the name of your Exchange server.

  4. Navigate to Organization > Apps > + (New) > Add from file.

    The Add From File dialog box appears.

  5. Browse to cvofficeapp.xml, and then click Open.

  6. Click Next.

  7. To enable the archive app, double-click Commvault Archive.

    The Edit App Settings dialog box appears.

  8. Select the Make this app available to users in your organization check box.

  9. Select Optional, enabled by default.

  10. Click Save.

    A Quick Look button appears in the email view.

Additional Information

The preferred method for enabling the archive app is through the Exchange Control Panel (ECP) user interface. However, you can enable it from the command line using the following command. For example:

Set-App -OrganizationApp –Identity e1b7662f-a167-484e-99e6-74e0e0c72efc –Enabled $true –DefaultStateForUser Enabled

For more information about using command line options with the ECP, consult the Microsoft documentation.