Configuring a Backup Copy Operation for a Specific Job


You can select a specific job to be copied to media or prevent a specific job from being copied to media.


You cannot backup copy out of order snap jobs for a subclient. If the latest snap job is backup copied, the backup copy operation is not allowed on the previous snap job.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Policies > Storage Policies> storage_policy.

  2. Right-click the appropriate storage policy containing IntelliSnap backup jobs, and click View > Jobs.

  3. Right-click the job and choose the following options:

    • To select a specific job for creating a backup copy, select Pick for Backup Copy.

    • To prevent a job from being moved to media, select Do not Backup Copy.

      You can select Do not Backup Copy option to those jobs that were previously selected for moving to media.

      Exception:Do not Backup Copy option is disabled for block level snapshot backup jobs.


  • When Pick for Backup Copy option is selected, the Move Snap to Tape status for the specific job will be changed to Picked (that is, the next backup copy operation will move the selected job to media).

  • When Do not Backup Copy option is selected, the Move Snap to Tape status for the specific job will be changed to Not Picked (that is, the next backup copy operation will not move the selected job to media).

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