Configuring Office Online in Edge Drive


To allow Edge Drive users to open and edit Microsoft Office documents directly from their Edge Drive in Web Console, you must integrate Office Online with Edge Drive. Using Office online, you can quickly update office documents on Edge Drive from any computer that has web access, without opening the office application.

You can integrate Office Online with Edge Drive by using the Web Application Open Platform Interface (WOPI) protocol. The WOPI protocol allows you to edit the Edge Drive documents in a web browser.

Before You Begin

Complete the following steps:

  1. Obtain the Office Online discovery URL that provides information about accessing the capabilities of Office Online applications from the web browser.

    To obtain the discovery URL, install and configure the Office Online Server application on the Web Server computer associated with the Web Console. For detailed instructions, refer to the Microsoft article on Installing Office Online Server.

    If you plan to use a self-signed certificate to configure Office Online Server, complete the following steps:

    • Configure Offline Online Server with the self-signed certificate.

    • Trust the certificate on the Web Server by installing the certificate on the Windows Certificate Store on the Web Server.

    • Trust the certificate on the Web Console by importing the certificate to the Java Certificate Store. To import the certificate, use the following command:

      keytool -importcert -file  <certfilepath> -alias wopicert -keystore "%JAVA_HOME%\lib\security\cacerts" -storepass changeit


      By default, Office Online Server uses port 80 during the installation. To avoid performance issues, ensure that the Web Console is not installed on the Web Server computer. If the Web Console is already installed on the Web Server computer and uses port 80, change the http port number for the Web Console Tomcat server. For instructions on changing the port number, see Changing the HTTP Ports.

  2. Verify the installation, by accessing the Office Online Server discovery URL from a web browser. For example,


    where, servername is the internal URL parameter that you define when you configure the Office Online Server.

    If the configuration was successful, the WOPI discovery XML is displayed on your web browser.


  1. Determine whether the Web Server and Web Console are separated by a firewall.

    If the Web Console communicates with the Web Server through a proxy, perform the following steps to configure the firewall connections.

    You can skip these steps if the Web Server and Web Console are not separated by a firewall.

    1. Define the Web Server URL on the Web Console computer, using the WOPIWebServerUrl additional setting.

      To the Web Console computer, add the WOPIWebServerUrl additional setting as shown in the following table.

      For instructions about adding an additional setting from the CommCell Console, see Adding or Modifying Additional Settings from the CommCell Console.










      The Web Server URL. Example: http://webservername/SearchSvc/CVWebService.svc

    2. Configure the Web Console (or any other client that you want to use as the proxy) to route the WOPI connection requests that are sent from the web browser.

      For instructions, see Configuring Third-Party Connections Between Client Computers.

      During the configuration, you must provide the following details:

      • Source client: The Web Console computer or any other client that you want to use as the proxy.

      • Source port: 443

      • Destination client: The computer where the WOPI server is hosted.

      • Destination port: 443

  2. Configure the discovery URL on the CommServe computer,using the WopiDiscoveryUrl additional setting.

    To the CommServe computer, add the WopiDiscoveryUrl additional setting as shown in the following table.

    For instructions on adding the additional setting from the CommCell Console, see Adding or Modifying Additional Settings from the CommCell Console.










    The discovery URL. Example: http://servername/hosting/discovery.

    If you configured firewall connections, configure the discovery URL to use the name of the proxy that you defined as the source client. Example: http://source_client/hosting/discovery.

  3. Optional: Enable CommCell users or user groups to authenticate using their Office 365 account, using the WOPIExternalUser additional setting.

    To the CommServe computer, add the WOPIExternalUser additional setting as shown in the following table.

    For instructions on adding the additional setting from the CommCell Console, see Adding or Modifying Additional Settings from the CommCell Console.











  4. On the Web Console computer, restart the Tomcat services. For instructions, see Restarting a Service.


End users can edit office documents online from their Edge Drive on Web Console. For more information, see Editing Documents Online in Edge Drive.

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